Monday, May 4, 2009

Fast food advertising banned?

Do you think that banning fast food advertising would actually be useful in the fight against obesity?

Fast food advertising banned?
Not really. No.

Most people who suffer from obesity because of fast food already know about it, and simply eat to excess. So, banning advertising would not change their habits.

In the US, there's also a constitutional issue -- if the advertising is not false or deliberately misleading, then it cannot be banned.
Reply:You are asking for an opinion -therefore I have to answer yes, in MY opinion fast food ads promote and encourage unhealthy eating habits. I believe they should be banned. In fact I believe McDonald's should be banned. Any foods containing trans fat should be illegal.
Reply:Probably. It would be interesting to compare what happened before and after restrictions on cigarette smoking. I'm sure folks have already done that.
Reply:I highly doubt it would. Stop putting up billboards and showing commercials, but the fact that there is either a McDonalds, Jack in the box, a Carl's Jr. and all those other places on every other corner, just about, will still bring in customers.
Reply:No.... nor will shutting down grocery stores or stopping TV broadcasts!
Reply:Freedom of speech, first amendment. And you have the right to be fat if you so desire...
Reply:No, the fight against obesity is waged inside each individual. What I mean by this is that even if there is no advertising, people still know they exist and they will continue consuming fast food. Why? Because they want to. It doesn't take a genius to find out that fast food is not healthy for you, period. Sure now they have salads and what not, but the majority of people who eat at fast food joints don't go for the salads. People need to learn the meaning of responsibility, if you are going to be eating at fast food places more than once a week and you are going to be supersizing it all the time, then by all means accept that you are responsible for what happens to your body after that and don't blame the restaurants. These places where meant to be eaten there when you really don't have time to eat something better, fresher and healthier. They were not meant to be relied upon as a means of healthy nutrition nor were they meant to be used as food you eat all the time.
Reply:yeah I mean they make the pep. want to eat it I mean when you see a hamburger and fries and milkshake on TV you get a LAGRE craving for it!!!!! but the good thing is I rarley eat junkfood!!!! so im good!
Reply:No it wouldnt people would still see the 50 foot tall signs they put out by their stores.

The problem is that fast food is just that fast and in american society we have made ourselfs so busy that we sacrifice health for speed

the second problem is that fast food is so cheap compared to healthy food. dollar menus and such make eating it atractive to the poorer part of society.


In the US, there's also a constitutional issue -- if the advertising is not false or deliberately misleading, then it cannot be banned.

That is not true, you no longer see tobacco ads on TV as you did when i was a kid and that is becuase the goverment banned them even though they were not false. they banned them becuase somking was deemed dangerous to health. also stopped alcohol companies from showing people actually drinking their product they use to be able to do so.

so if the goverment deemed it unhealthy like tobacco they could ban it. will they no, should they? no WHY they took tabacco ads off TV and you see that had no effect on their product.

It all comes down to personel chioce some continue to make bad ones but its their right
Reply:no...........every store is filled with junk food and snacks...

horse teeth

The best and most readers advertising site?

I wish to advertise my affiliate business, can anyone tell me where should I post my ads? I'm looking for the sites which favouritized by most of internet readers, if possible, free advertising sites. I'm also looking for global sites, not country specific sites.

The best and most readers advertising site?
The trick is to list on others sites that distribute and get spidered more throughout the Internet.

I have a directory site thats spiders just like this.

All the sites that list on my site and there's several hundred thousand plus get picked up through other engines because I have such a huge following in my site directory.

What is advertising and what are the bases ans aims of business and the first one?

what is advertising and what is business ?and what are the aims of both of them??

What is advertising and what are the bases ans aims of business and the first one?
Business is set up to make money.

Advertising has many forms and functions. Mostly to get more business but in different ways.

- brand awareness

- increase sales

- informational

- increase sales of certain products

- feet thru the door

Methods of advertising -- school project?

i need help in understanding wht exactly are the methods of advertising. ive tried searching...but cnt come up with anything relevant to my topic.

Methods of advertising -- school project?
Hi there, hope I can be of some help.

Generally the METHODS of advertising would be:

1. Informative - provides info

2. Persuasive - encourages people to buy

3. Reminder - reminds about already existing, established brands/products

4. Reinforcement - reassures people about the brand/product

5. Pioneering - used to introduce a new brand/product

6. Competitive - to illustrate to people the advantages of the brand/product over others in the market

7. Defensive - in retaliation to a competitor's advertising efforts, this would try to reduce any damage caused.

When explaining the methods, it might be good for you to mention the AIDA model - which simply stands for Awareness (in a brand/product), Intertes (making consumers interested in it), Desire (making consumers desire the product) %26amp; Action (making them go out %26amp; buy it).

Some FORMS this advertising could take would be:

TV, Radio %26amp; Newspaper commercials


Taxi roof displays

Bus shelter poster advertising

Direct mail slots (such as those sent by the likes of credit card companies

Promotional coupons

Sponsorship of sporting tournamnets %26amp; concerts, etc. Sponsorship of TV shows

Competitions %26amp; prize giveaways

Endorsements/Testemonials - like when sports stars promote a certain brand

Internet advertising - like supersitials, click throughs, banner ads, etc

SMS Text Message advertising

Product Placement - strategically plaing certain brands in film, TV or computer games, for example, Coca Cola on the desks by the American Idol judging panel.

Cause related advertising - like "adopting" a social cause, like what Ben %26amp; Jerry's Ice-ceam do with anti-nuclear campaigning

Social advertising - much the same as Cause related, but actually marketing a social issue, for exaple the British Football Association has an advertising campaign trying to stamp out racism in football.

Perhaps you would find it easier to get advertising info if you searched under "marketing", as advertising is a subset of marketing.

Hope this helps :) %26amp; good luck in the project.
Reply:-TV ads




-Bus stop billboards

-Mailbox ads


-Internet ads/pop ups

-Cinema movie ads




-Word of mouth

-School newsletters

-Sponsorship of events


-Catalog advertising


-Celebrity endorsements


-Sky writing (it happens!)

Thats all i can think of.... hope that helps!!
Reply:adverts on the T.V or radio

in a magazine

Reply:there are many, print advertising is anything on paper like newspapers,flyers, magazines and soon. radio advertising is on the radio of course. telivision advertising there are many like the obvious commercials, but there is also product placement like when somebody is drinking a coke or driving a cadillac those companiespay that production for the placement in the film. and of course there is word of mouth like opening a both somewher and speaking about your product.
Reply:You've had some really great answers already. Corporate sponsership is another great one and leads to many other moral arguments re: capitalism or Socialism, but aside that, it is also one of the most common forms of advertisment in the modern world. It is also the only form of advertising that benefits both the advertisers and the recipients of the sponsership.

Hope this helps! Good Luck!
Reply:Methods of adverstising? as in comercials airtime/ ads in papers magizines billboards..- you would have to contact the 'channels' for your airtime advertising- contact papers mags and billboard owners to put ads in them- you would have to come up with an add first- you want to promote your product to where not just you want it or she wants it or he wants it.. make it for everyone! Avoid using he or she in the ad. unless it is specifically for a he or a she (i.e., personal hygine products)

Dallas, Houston or Tampa for Advertising/Marketing Industry?

I'm a recent graduate currently living in Fort Lauderdale, FL. My field is advertising and marketing and I'm looking to relocate to either Dallas, Houston or Tampa. Which one of these cities have the best industry for Advertising/Marketing?

Dallas, Houston or Tampa for Advertising/Marketing Industry?
Well, Tampa has a few good boutique-size agencies. Dallas and Houston have the same, but they also have larger shops to work at, like The Richards Group. (I've shot some commercials in Dallas and loved the city.)

As a rule of thumb, larger cities have more agencies. Which means that you have more choices and more employement ops. I'd take a look at the Austin, TX market, as well. I've never been, but I hear it's a fabulous place to live/work.

Lastly, here's a great resource for you to see what agencies are located where in Texas: You have to register, but it's well-worth it. (I found it invaluable when compiling my list of Florida agencies.)

Anyhoo, that's what I've got! Lots of luck!
Reply:All three markets are good. Promote yourself in all three and take the best offer.
Reply:Big D.. major big city..good luck.Art
Reply:Why are you limiting yourself to these three markets? If you are just starting out and willing to relocate you should broaden your choices. Take the best opportunity, not your favorite city. Once you have some experience you can go where you want.

americal dental

HAs TV advertising lost power?

does the TV advertising has failed in importance?

HAs TV advertising lost power?
Absolutely yes, it has. But complaining about the efficacy of advertising on television in the age of Tivo, or promising to boycott anything you happen to see advertised during Desperate Housewives, is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

TV production costs money. Advertisers pay the cost of production in return for exposure. If everyone found a way to avoid exposure to TV advertising, then television production on the free networks would stop overnight. There would be a shift to a pay model like HBO's, but the era of free TV would be a faint memory.

So if you like free TV, you're going to have to put up with the ads. Plain and simple.
Reply:Not really, in what ways do you think so.
Reply:Yes, it probably has. Most people, are busy doing other things, like going to the rest room or are in the kitchen working on a meal.
Reply:I boycott every store or business that interrupts my TV viewing with their incessant commercials. I deal mostly with locally owned, independent merchants who don't buy TV advertising. If they advertise at all, it's in an unobtrusive manner such as newspaper ads or direct mail, where I can make a choice to view their ads (or not).

I have never set foot in a Wal Mart; have not shopped at K-Mart for decades; don't buy vehicles from new or used car dealers who 'shout' at me from the TV commercials; don't use a cellphone; never eat at McDonald's, Arby's or other national fast-food 'restaurants'; and refuse to buy national brand products when I can buy private-label products that usually cost less and don't interrupt my television viewing.

-RKO- 11/11/07
Reply:good grief I hope so, I'm tired of 20 minutes of t.v. ads,every time I watch a 1 hr. show, its getting to be too much
Reply:for me it has...I tivo everything I want to watch so I can fast forward through the commercials and not be bothered by them! lol
Reply:Definitely. The public is onto the scams and lies that the manufacturing companies are up to...
Reply:What TV advertising? :)

With a DVR, we just watch a program a few minutes after it starts, and run the commercials. It pauses live TV, like for phone calls, or running to the restroom.

TiVo has similar capabilities.
Reply:Somewhat. With more channels, it is more difficult to find a mass audience. And video recording (DVR, TiVo, VCR's) continuing to increase, more and more people are fast-forwarding through them.

Still, it's a very cost-effective way to reach large numbers of people. That's why political candidates do it, and why the Super Bowl is sold out despite high prices.

How does advertising affect obesity?

I"m doing a debate, and my job is to prove that advertising doesn't affect obesity. And that they shouldn't ban advertisement or limit it. So if anyone has any information on this kind of thing please let me know.

How does advertising affect obesity?
I'll just give you one for-instance.

Look at advertising aimed at children--sugary cereals for instance. (I read the label on one the other day. The first four ingrediants were: Sugar, Corn Syrup, Wheat and Honey--3 out of four of those are types of sugar!) The commercials make this cereal very appealing to children, with bright colors and favorite cartoon characters and free (junky) gifts in the box. Kids beg mom for cereal, mom buys cereal, kids eat it, get hooked on sugar.

Same thing with fast food. Free toys, usually tied into a kids' tv series or movie, cool playgrounds. Kids want the free toy, want to play in the playground. But the meals offered with the toys are full of fat, and few parents chose the option of milk or juice; they take the soda. The five minutes the kids spend running around doesn't begin to use up the calories in their "happy" meal.

When I was little, we didn't even HAVE a Mcdonald's in our town (now we have 3). We had to drive to another town to have it. It was a HUGE treat and I got it maybe once a month. Now there are fast food restaurants everywhere and kids go all the time--more than once a week if not every day.

And of course the whole video game industry-xbox, play station, etc, encourages children to stay inside and sit still instead of burning off some of those fast-food calories playing outside.

I won't even get into all the fear spawned by media which makes parents think there are child molesters everywhere and better to have the kid inside and visible than outside in the fresh air.


Lots of ranting like this on my blog.

(spell check is down, sorry for any errors.)
Reply:I believe it does help cause obesity. But since you have the opposing debate view, consider a stance like this:

People choose what they put in their mouths. While TV etc. offer us choices, we decide the final fat and calorie count.

TV is full of skinny, attractive people. That is causing a lot of folks to want to emulate them, to be thin.

Is a advertising contract legally binding if a business changes hands before the contract begins?

A customer of mine contracted with Valley Yellow pages in May of 2005, for advertising services to begin in Nov., 2005. His business was put into escrow in June of 2005, and the daily operations and profits were transferred to the new buyer on Oct. 28, 2005. Is this contract still binding, or has it become null and void due to the ownership change?

Is a advertising contract legally binding if a business changes hands before the contract begins?
The enforceability of the contract would depend on the legal existence of the contracting parties. If your customer' business was run as a registered company at the time of entering into the contract, then its the company which was a party to the contract and the contract is still enforceable, unless of course the business has changed after the transfer of ownership.

On the other hand, if the business was a sole proprietorship or partnership, and if the transfer of this contractual obligation did not take place, the contract is not null and void but voidable at the discretion of the new owner.
Reply:I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that the entity of the company signed the contract, not specific owners. The new owners should be under contract until the old one runs out. Think in sports terms: when new owners buy a sports team, they have to honor the player contracts.
Reply:Doc, I don't care if you're not a lawyer... you're right. The contract is still effective and enforceable against the company that signed it. The only question is, who owns the company. If the company was sold in stock sale, then the new owners own the company and have to cause it to pay Valley Yellow Pages out of their revenues. If the company's ASSETS were sold in an asset sale, then the company remains with the original owners who must cause the company to pay Valley Yellow Pages with the company's remaining assets.
Reply:Generally, any modifications to the contract made after both parties agree changes the contract. It would depend on what happened when your customer sold the business, what did the new owner take over? I'll see if I can find a more definite answer, I am taking a class on this sort of stuff right now.

Is there advertising in MBA if yes please tell me the colleges in abroad?

Is there advertising in MBA if yes please tell me the colleges in abroad

Is there advertising in MBA if yes please tell me the colleges in abroad?
All Marketing courses cover, Advertising.
Reply:india doesnt have MBA advertising...they offer MBA mktg which has adtg. as major subject.
Reply:Contact me for lots of information about this. I am planning to go to USA for MBA next year. I am from Gujarat.
Reply:sydney university
Reply:MICA offers MBA in advertising. Thats Mudra Institute. Other places offer Marketing which does include advertising.

dental care


heyy guys i was just wondering if anyone here was in advertising, and if so how did you go about getting into, training, etc?

just wondering..thanks a lot!

I founded an ad agency that attained membership in the AAAA -- ranking us in the top 5% in the USA. Over the years, I hired many entry-level people. Here is a summary of things that should help you.

Graduate from college. If you want to be in a creative field (writing, art direction, etc.) it helps if you have a degree that relates to that area. If you want to be in account management, strategic planning, etc., having a degree in marketing is very helpful.

There is a whole different view of advertising beyond the ad agency world -- working on the client side. Example: working for the marketing department of a large bank. There, you might work in conjunction with the agency, but you won't actually create the ads.

Once you finish college, decide where you think you fit best, and focus your employment search there. If it's the client side, look for large companies that have marketing departments.

If you want to work in an ad agency, you will find good small advertising agencies in every city. (The advertising industry is no longer dominated in New York City, as it was once was. The best ad agencies in America are just as likely to be in Boston, Miami, San Francisco, or Richmond, VA.)

Your best bet of landing an entry-level job in a small ad agency is in a mid-sized town. There, you will learn a lot, and from that point, you can move up as your skills and interest dictate.

Good luck.
Reply:Whatever you can do, do it.
Reply:Yes, I've been doing Marketing for 10 yrs. I got there by going to business school %26amp; having an internship. However, you can often get into marketing or advertising straight out of college in an entry point position. Easiest place to do it is in NYC where most of the big agencies are located.

I majored in Psychology which I think helps, but honestly your major doesn't really matter.

What are subliminal messeges in advertising?

I am a student, my major is advertising and graphic design. I want to know more about subliminal messeges %26amp; subliminal advertising. I want to see examples of them as well if possible. Thanx!

What are subliminal messeges in advertising?
Try this web site for some examples:

Im not really

That sure maybe if you

Look down the

Edge of this u will

Recognize it
Reply:its an illeagal type of advertising where they show a split secound image of something. the person does NOT see it, but its registered in the brain. then the urge to get the thing, whatever it is, gets so strong that the person can't stand it anymore and gets the item.

Where should I focus my advertising online? I am looking to attract the attention of Senior Citizens!?

I have certain products that I would like to advertise to seniors, such as wheelchairs, incontinence products, walkers, etc... I'm looking to find the best places on the web to spend my advertising $$$.

Where should I focus my advertising online? I am looking to attract the attention of Senior Citizens!?
That demographic doesn't really use the internet to search for those things, but their kids do, and they are likely to be the ones actually doing the research for purchasing their parents wheel chairs and walkers, etc.

I think the best answer is to experiment with Google, Yahoo and MSN PPC and see which actually produces results. Online advertising is all about experimentation, measurement and trial and error.

All that being said, many seniors often use MSN for searching, just because when they bought the computer thats what the search engine the computer was set to when they first turned it on. MSN is also pretty cheap on costs per click compared to the other search engines.

Comically, I know some seniors who use MSN to search for just because they don't know how to change the default search setting on their computer.

PPC advetising is often very effective for seniors, because many don't know the difference between the natural results and the paid ones.

Wherever you spend your money, make sure to track your online sales conversions and base your success on conversions and not clicks.

Who will you vote for as the best Advertising Icon?

Vote Here: The winner will get a spot on the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame.

The advertising icons up for a vote are:

Keebler Elves

Vlasic Stork

Fruit of the Loom Fruit Guys

Crash Test Dummies

Colonel Sanders

Mr. Clean

Kool-Aid Man

California Raisins

Quaker Oats Man

McGruff the Crime Dog

Twinkie the Kid

Chester Cheetah

Budweiser Clydesdales

Energizer Bunny

Snap, Crackle and Pop

Morris the Cat

Jolly Green Giant

The Burger King

Cap'n Crunch

Smokey the Bear

Aunt Jemima

Travelocity Gnome

DoubleMint Twins

Toucan Sam

the Morton Salt Girl

Charlie Tuna.

I'll list my vote later.

Who will you vote for as the best Advertising Icon?
Fruit of the Loom Fruit Guys
Reply:jolley green
Reply:Energizer Bunny
Reply:Morris the Cat
Reply:I would have loved it if "Bob" from the Enzyte commercials was one of the icons up for a vote. Oh well, the next best would be the Fruit of the Loom guys! ;-)
Reply:snap, crackle, pop.
Reply:Dude thanks! I wouldn't have been able to have lived without voting.


I voted for Mr. Clean.

dental plans

Question About Advertising and Consumerism??

How do stories and advertising in magazines work to smooth the tensions between the demands of the growing market economy and the more conservative values of society?

Question About Advertising and Consumerism??
Stories and advertising give us images of how things are changing and allow people to see and learn about changes taking place in society. If you know about something, you can adapt.

Smart car advertising?

I need an advertising trailer for my smart car.

Smart car advertising?
my car, my cabin
Reply:"Let your car do the thinking"

What do you think about advertising?

Hi, I'm doing a report on advertising, and I need the opinions of business owners who have used various advertising methods.

I also would like the opinions of consumers too! What ads do you pay attention to? Ones in the newspaper, on tv or the radio, etc? What kind of ads annoy you? What kind of ads do you like? And so on...

The mediums I'm focusing on are: newspaper, television, direct mailings, magazines, radio, and internet ads (keyword, banner, pop-up, etc).

If you could tell me what has and hasn't worked for you, that would be really helpful!

Or if you know of people who have used any of these methods and had success or failure, tell me about it.

I need lots of opinions! The more the better!

Thank you so much for all your help!

PS: It's really important for me to have opinions on all the mediums I mentioned, so if you have any experience with any of them, please let me know about it!

What do you think about advertising?
i dont care for any of it it just annoys me sorry.
Reply:Really too many billboards out there.
Reply:Hate it!

What are the top 10 Advertising Companies in Hyderabad or India?

I am looking for Advertising Companies who are good in Marketing and Sales aswell, which are having their presence across India. I would like to out source Major portion of Media works to good Advertising Companies. Where can I find.

What are the top 10 Advertising Companies in Hyderabad or India?
HTA, LOWE,MUDRA,REDIFF,R K SWAMY BBDO, AMBIENCE DRC,SACHI%26amp;SACHI, are one of the top agency in india.

Lintas is good and best company. They do for all big and top corporates



dental hygienist

Do you know about website advertising??????

Im thinking of ideas for a website.... the way forward is to have advertising banners for funding,,, but how does this work?

how do i contact companies?

who arranges fees that companies pay to advertise?

who makes sure that they pay?

and how can the "per click" be monitored?

any ideas will be greatly accepted

Do you know about website advertising??????
There are a number of free resources available to advertise your website and increase traffic. You can advertise on relevant free classifieds ( ,directories (dmoz) and relevant forums. Major search engines like Yahoo, Google , MSN search are a major source of visitors for most websites and you can submit your website to these search engines for free. You can also run contests offering prizes to regular visitors. I have found the following website useful
Reply:enter and search .
Reply:Banners can really annoy your visitors if the content is inappropriate to your site, or if the colour or design clashes it can make your site look like garbage. For the amount they bring in they're probably not worth it.

If your site becomes popular enough, they'll start to contact you.
Reply:No one will buy anything until you have hundreds of thousands of hits.

Dont do per click anymore everyone does CPM which is cost per 1000 impressions.

I pay £7.50 CPM for Racing post, that gives you an idea of how many hundreds of thousands of hits you need to make money

Functions of advertising agencies in india?

top 5 advertising agencies in india and their functions

Functions of advertising agencies in india?
i dont know
Reply:This is not a good answer. I think you are making fun of Yahoo Answers. Report It

Reply:Advertising Agency Functions

Professionals at advertising agencies and other advertising organizations offer a number of functions including:

Account Management – Within an advertising agency the account manager or account executive is tasked with handling all major decisions related to a specific client. These responsibilities include locating and negotiating to acquire clients. Once the client has agreed to work with the agency, the account manager works closely with the client to develop an advertising strategy. For very large clients, such as large consumer products companies, an advertising agency may assign an account manager to work full-time with only one client and, possibly, with only one of the client’s product lines. For smaller accounts an account manager may simultaneously manage several different, though non-competing, accounts.

Creative Team –The principle role of account managers is to manage the overall advertising campaign for a client, which often includes delegating selective tasks to specialists. For large accounts one task account managers routinely delegate involves generating ideas, designing concepts and creating the final advertisement, which generally becomes the responsibility of the agency’s creative team. An agency’s creative team consists of specialists in graphic design, film and audio production, copywriting, computer programming, and much more.

Researchers – Full-service advertising agencies employ market researchers who assess a client’s market situation, including understanding customers and competitors, and also are used to test creative ideas. For instance, in the early stages of an advertising campaign researchers may run focus group sessions with selected members of the client’s target market in order to get their reaction to several advertising concepts. Researchers are also used following the completion of an advertising campaign to measure whether the campaign reached its objectives.

Media Planners – Once an advertisement is created, it must be placed through an appropriate advertising media. Each advertising media, of which there are thousands, has its own unique methods for accepting advertisements, such as different advertising cost structures (i.e., what it costs marketers to place an ad), different requirements for accepting ad designs (e.g., size of ad), different ways placements can be purchased (e.g., direct contact with media or through third-party seller), and different time schedules (i.e., when ad will be run). Understanding the nuances of different media is the role of a media planner, who looks for the best media match for a client and also negotiates the best deals.

India's most admired agencies in 2005

Ogilvy %26amp; Mather Saatchi %26amp; Saatchi

Lowe %26amp; Partners Ambience Publicis

McCann-Erickson India Enterprise Nexus (Lowe)

JWT India rmg David (Ogilvy %26amp; Mather)

Leo Burnett India Everest

Grey RK Swamy BBDO

Mudra Communications (DDB) SSC %26amp; B Lintas (Lowe)

FCB Ulka Vyas Gianetti Creative

Rediffusion DY%26amp;R Dentsu

Contract (JWT) Euro RSCG
Reply:The function of all ad agencies is to bring to the notice of the public their clients products and services, make them look attractive and encourage customers to buy them. Top 5 agencies in India are:

Ogilvy and Mather

J. Walter Thompson


Saatchi and Saatchi


Other good ones-

Grey Worldwide



I need some ideas on advertising strategies?

I work for a letting agents and need some ideas on getting new properties on the market. I advertise in the local paper weekly and on 2 internet sites, I have recently had mail cards designed and some have been delivered. I have visited new home sites as well. Any other ideas or ways of advertising i can bring in more business.

Thanks everyone x

I need some ideas on advertising strategies?
Why don't you advertise on Yahoo Q%26amp;A, like this guy
Reply:this is a great way to advertise and get your business going. check it out:
Reply:Have a look, it may help

How does advertising affect society?

Is that influence beneficial, harmful or both?

Does advertising affect a person's self esteem? How?

How does advertising affect society?
well, advertisers use rhetoric to persuade users into buying their products. for example, pathos is persuading consumers emotions, like weight loss commercials b/c they know people feel bad about their weight, so they show other people, which is called a "testemonial" and when consumers see that, they'd feel they could do it too. also, another example is ethos, which is when they reach out to reader by reaching out to a certain type, such as geico's sense of humor. i hope i'm making sense, and there are many more. also, the bandwagon is "well, my favorite celeb is doing it, everyone else is, so why not me!". sometimes commercials can influence people to want to drink, and others influence them not to smoke, so they can be both positively and negitively persuasive, and peer pressure can pressure someone into doing it. advertisers now days know how to get to americans, so there are many things to it.
Reply:You must be doing an essay or something right? You should do some research and not be asking people to do your homework.

Search online for articles on "the effects of advertising"
Reply:It depends on the patterns of media consumption for a particular person. The more media a person is exposed to on a daily basis, the greater the effect. The intent of advertising is to control thought through repeated exposure that will lead to a spending decision. So, self image is influenced to different degrees in different people.

dental hygiene

Where will advertising be in 20 years?

Technology is changing - ads are too... what do you think will be different in the advertising world in the next 20 years?

Where will advertising be in 20 years?
Shoot, who knows. More medium-innovative, more regulated, even less content-innovative.

David Ogilvy is probably the greatest advertising mind to ever live, and he said he rarely saw any five-year projections that had any relevancy at all after eighteen months. And that was in the 1950's!
Reply:uuuuuuuum... I dunno? I'd like to know because that would be a good stock to buy %26amp; get rich from. $$$$. let me know later ok.
Reply:As long as customers have more than one option from where to buy something...there will be advertising.

Yahoo mail advertising?

Is there any way to stop the darn advertising yahoo places all over my e-mail pages?

Yahoo mail advertising?
You are using the free Yahoo service, right? Unfortunately, that's the price you pay for free service. Even the pay-for-service email is not advertising free, though it has less.

Career in ADVERTISING ?????

How is advertising sector for an MBA-Mkt

(remuneration.…job opportunities……stress....... scope etc ) in comparison to other popular sectors ??????

Career in ADVERTISING ?????
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 250,000 people work in the advertising industry. This number is expected to grown due to two important trends. First is the megamergers among advertising agencies. This trend has been fueled by agencies' desire to increase market share by offering more services such as sophisticated market research, media buying, and in-house production facilities to clients. The second trend has been spurred by an increase in international businesses and global marketing. Agencies are moving quickly to set-up international subsidiaries to assist clients who have gone global.

Tomorrow's job applicants face a more stable environment but a highly competitive market. U.S. Department of Labor projections for the year 2000 suggest a growth of over 30% for marketing research analysts, advertising managers, and visual artists. Nevertheless, employers will continue to be highly selective. The most motivated, energetic, well-organized candidates with top-notch analytic and communication skills will land the best jobs.

Where to Find a Job

Advertising professionals find jobs in advertising agencies, in-house advertising agencies or departments of large companies, or with mass media as advertising sales representatives. Normally advertising agencies are divided into four departments: account services, media, research, and creative.

Careers in Advertising Agencies

Account Services Department:

positions in account services: assistant account executive, account executive, senior account executive,

accounts supervisor/accounts manager

salary range for assistant account executives is $20,000-$40,000

directs contact with the client; acts as liaison between art department, production department, and client

represents client's needs to art and production departments

provides interpretation support to client at presentations

responsible for seeing that the client's needs are met accurately and on time, which calls for closely

following the in-house progress of the campaign

Account Services Department-Traffic:

positions in traffic: account coordinator/traffic manager

salary range for traffic manager is $18,000-$20,000

coordinates all the jobs in progress and monitors their status to ensure that production remains

on schedules and deadlines are met

works with all departments throughout the advertising campaign

Media Services Department:

positions in media: assistant media planner, media planner, media director, media manager

salary range for assistant media planner is $15,000-$25,000

applies statistical models to audience, circulation, and cost figures to minimize media cost and

maximize media effectiveness

manages the purchase and control of large blocks of media time/space, whether in print or broadcast

recommends and allocates this space among clients according to campaign requirements

negotiates favorable billing terms for large, repeat, and/or guaranteed space purchases, which

translates into more cost-effectiveness for clients and agency

Research Department:

positions in research: research project director, research account executive, associate research

director, advertising research director, research department manager

salary range for research project director is $30,000-$55,000

expert in statistical applications, mathematical modeling, project design, and methodology

works with and often obtains outside services

monitors project to ensure accuracy and validity of findings, which are then reported and presented

to the client

Creative Department-Art Direction:

positions in art direction: assistant art director, junior art director, art director, senior art director

salary range for assistant art director is $14,000-$18,000

requires knowledge of advertising trends and strong visual communication skills

develops and recommends artistic strategy and rendition for client campaign, often presenting

several for client approval

generates creative content for both print and broadcast

often works with copywriter as a team to brainstorm visual and verbal content

oversees progression of campaign from rough sketches through final production

Creative Department-Copywriting:

positions in copywriting: junior copywriter, copywriter, senior copywriter, copy chief

salary range for junior copywriter is $14,000-$18,000

responsible for writing ad and promotional copy and developing concepts for campaigns

often works with art director as a team to brainstorm visual and verbal content

requires knowledge of advertising trends and a strong writing ability

Creative Department-Production:

positions in production: layout worker, graphic artist, production manager

artists and layout workers create the visual impact of the ad by selecting photographs, drawing

illustrations, choosing print size and type, and sketching scenes for commercials to go with the copy

design packages and create logos, trademarks and symbols

production manager oversees the actual printing of ads, filming of commercials, or recording of radio spots

There are a number of new departments that are being created within agencies to cover many new types of media. They include:

Specialty Advertising Department:

recommends and obtains imprinted merchandise appropriate to client campaign

develops strategy and recommends items to be used

obtains sources and monitors production to ensure timely arrival

Internet Advertising Department:

develops visual and written content for client web pages, and/or on-line advertisements

develops strategy for on-line promotions and web page development

monitors web site and on-line traffic

Outdoor Advertising Department:

develops content for outdoor/transit advertisements in adherence to client's strategy

obtains sources for production and monitors progress

Direct Response Advertising Department:

develops content for direct response advertisements, such as direct mail and infomercials,

in adherence to client's strategy

obtains consumer information lists from client and/or outside sources

monitors progress of direct response efforts
Reply:How much is an egg?.
Reply:it will be excellent