Saturday, April 17, 2010

Limit junk food advertising? What happened to parental responsibility and excersise to fight obesity?

Health groups want to ban advertising for junk food to fight obesity. What happened to parents regulating what their kids eat, and promoting excersise. When I was a boy, we had candy, McDonalds, Coca Cola, chips, crisps and all manner of junk food, we had Atari and intellivision game consoles, but none of my friends or myself were obese, because when the sun shined my butt was outside, sport was promoted, and we ate home cooked meals, even with both parents working. Is society really at a state where big brother has to tell us what to eat so we don't get fat. Do people really not care about the welfare and health of their children? People all shout about their freedom, but then they whine about junkfood adverts when there kids are fat, shouldn't they have a look in the mirror, when looking for someone to blame.

Limit junk food advertising? What happened to parental responsibility and excersise to fight obesity?
Welcome to the society that takes no responsibility for what it does. Next thing you know they will be banning the sell of junk food. I hate to argue but my stomach needs as much calories as it can get. I think people have forgotten that with freedom comes responsibilities. I blame it on bad Lawyers, that twist the constitution to win any case, and the news media adding fuel to the "blame it on someone else" game. Well I'll get off the soap box now. Thanks for the question.
Reply:I'm not obese, but I'm not slim either and I know if I went to the gym more often and didn't have my takeaway on a friday night, I would be slim. I do eat mostly fesh home cooked foods, However, I also know that when I have kids of my own I will get them to cook fresh food with me, teach them what to eat and that takeaways are treats (just as they are for me) and also get them to get involved in school team sports or other activities so that they don't simply exsist to go to school, come home, eat and play on their PS2 like so many kids do.

It's about attitude and encouragement and education
Reply:I remember when i was a kid, mcdonalds or similar was an occasional treat, and its not so bad as an occasional treat. The problem arises when parents become to lazy to cook a ballanced meal and just buy maccys because its an easy option.

Despite many people claiming that their size is genetic or medical, it comes down to one thing. people are eating more calories than they are using up.

Kids today are far lazier than in my day, part of it is the current yob culture, and fear of paedophiles etc, but how hard is it to take your child to the park to ride a bike go for as walk or anything remotley physical. Kids are discouraged from participating in sports because it may upset whoever doesnt win. We are producing a generation that is unskilled, uneducated and unconcerned with anyone but themselves.

In a world where everyone knows their rights but not how to respect the rights of others, nothing will change until common sense prevails.
Reply:i suppose the answer really is parents need to learn to say no.

although if you've noticed the junk food companies play on parents insecurities about food. for example they'll promote addive filled, high sugar cereal by emphasizing its got added iron, the parent worries that their child isnt eating iron rich food and therfore buys it.

its a simple message that needs to be passed from parent to child, eat all fatty and sugary things in moderation, but then again its the adults who eat more junk than the kids.

another problem is that no one cooks anymore, if people are busy whats wrong with cooking pasta or a chicken and veg stir fry? its hardly rocket science. lazy buggers!!!!!!
Reply:People just don't care until it's too late. As time goes by, Parent's stop teaching their children about the important things in life. They would rather give the kids what they want, rather than give the kids what they need.
Reply:it's all about attitude. there are parents who eat at macdonalds themselves. how can they tell their kids not to?
Reply:As a parent, I try to give my kids good examples but it is hard when they are also being influenced by their friends at school. It is also difficult when they see their heros, like Gary Liniker, advertising junk food. Having said that, my son loves making and drinking smoothies with me but, unfortunately, not the clearing up afterwards. I do look in the mirror, I have a healthy BMI of 19 or 20, so don't accuse all of us of not eating healthily ourselves!!
Reply:in my opinion parental responsibility went out the window a long time ago. seems like the parents in this world expect everyone else to watch and take care of their kids for them.
Reply:What we need is the equivalent of "TRUTH" ads for junk food. I really think this would lower the number of obese people in the US. Eating junk all the time is just as bad for a person as smoking is after all. I love it when I see a fat person telling someone else that smoking is bad for them lol. It is really an interesting phenomenon that people have so little self control. They just want what feels good in the moment. I really don't think junk food ads should be limited though, although they do it for cigarettes (which I don't think they should). Banning any kind of media or information is a terrible thing.

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