Saturday, April 17, 2010

When using persuasive advertising acn you please tell me what does this mean, Next to shoes,men ae a girls?

Can you tell me please what do they mean when they say next to shoes, men are a girls favorite accessory. Aagin this is what my ad states for trying to sell this tab energy drink. again is this a form of persuasive advertising and can you tell me what are they trying to say. It shows him carrying this womans bags and he really doesn't have enough arms to carry all of this

When using persuasive advertising acn you please tell me what does this mean, Next to shoes,men ae a girls?
I'm assuming this is for the new low-calorie Tab energy drink??

That ad is trivializing relationships by making the woman appear to be "so cool" that she doesn't even need a hot guy - she's using him as her little bag carrier. It's a very blase attitude towards men and trying to make it seem like "if you drink this, men will want to be your little slave, too." Is that persuasive? Who knows, advertising is actually quite a crock - the more I do it the less seriously I take it. Adverts are generally ignored and people think they're obnoxious. Do you want a boyfriend or a pathetic, mindless wimp? Doesn't persuade me!

The main technique used in ads is the utilization of sex appeal. It's not funny; witty; smart or interesting - sex is in-your-face and there's no question about what it is. The woman is beautiful (re: drink this low calorie beverage); on-the-go (oh wow, women are so multi-faceted, now they can shop ALL DAY without stopping if they drink this!); and somehow using the man in this way makes the woman the power figure in the relationship. So drink this liquid-Smarties crap and you, too, can be a powerful, man-eating shopaholic.
Reply:Paybacks a B****, isn't it? remeber those commercials that were originally just for women, but now they now have them for men too? Pretty offensive, and sexist. Report It

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